Event Details

The SASA Private Practice Business Unit's (PPBU) mission is to promote safe, professional, quality patient care through innovation, collaboration and leadership, and to ensure sustainability and value within the healthcare sector. Over the past years, SASA's PPBU has built up volumes of useful information and guidelines to equip members to manage private practice and navigate the diverse and dynamic challenges related to this.

You are invited to join us on the 22 July 2023 for our face to face workshop at The Auditorium, Workshop 17, Sandton, where we will cover topics such as how to run a private practice, different practice structures, coding, tax and VAT, medical insurance, managing scheme audits and consenting patients.


  • Michael Blackburn

    Michael Blackburn

  • Sadรฉ Hendricks

    Sadé Hendricks

  • Fatimah Lambat

    Fatimah Lambat

  • Sekai Ndemera

    Sekai Ndemera

  • Vuyokazi November

    Vuyokazi November

  • Nicholas Procter

    Nicholas Procter

  • Andre Roux

    Andre Roux

  • Lisa Ryan

    Lisa Ryan

  • Karmelle Van Rensburg

    Karmelle Van Rensburg

  • Ina Vorster

    Ina Vorster


SASA PPBU Welcome Pack Oct2020 .pdfdownload
SASA Private Practice Coding Guidelines 2021_Online.pdfdownload


08:00 - 08:15
Welcome and team introductions
08:15 - 08:45
What is your value?
You are running a business: what is your value, what are you worth?
08:45 - 09:15
Practice Structures
Practice structures, employment and billing companies
09:15 - 09:45
What are the acronyms, who does what for you and what do we with them?
09:45 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:45
Coding: The basics and common controversies
10:45 - 11:15
Global fees: where we have come from, where we might be going
Global fees and alternative reimbursement models
11:15 - 11:45
The Financials
Tax, VAT, deductibles, investments and debt management
11:45 - 12:15
Indemnity, insurance and the basics of medico-legal cover in private
12:15 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:25
Consent: the basics and theย controversies
Consent: the basics and the controversies
13:25 - 13:50
Patient Complaints
Managing a patient complaint or scheme audit.
13:50 - 14:30
Medicolegal Recordkeeping
14:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:25
Patient Communication
Patient communication and the Premed.
15:25 - 16:15
PPBU Queries
PPBU queries and Outcomes (Double dope + clock times).
16:15 - 16:45
Adverse Outcomes
Dealing with death on the table and breaking bad news.
16:45 - 17:00
Q & A and Closure


PPBU Member Complimentary Ticket
Member Price Complimentary
Non-SASA Members & Billing Companies
Standard Price R 3,000
Non-PPBU Members
Standard Price R 1,500
Member Price Complimentary