
08:00 - 08:15
Welcome and team introductions, Value propositions
08:15 - 08:45
You are running a business: What is your value, what are you worth?
08:45 - 09:15
Double doping
09:15 - 09:45
Coding: The basics and common controversies
09:45 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:45
Tax, VAT and deductibles
10:45 - 11:30
Global fees: Where we have come? Where are we going?
11:30 - 12:15
Practice structures, Employment, and Billing companies
How to manage your business
12:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:00
What are the acronyms, who does what for you, what do we do with them (SASA/PPBU, BHF, CMSA, HPCSA, POPI, SAMA, SAPPF, Comp Com, CPA,HMI)
What are the acronyms, who does what for you, what do we do with them (SASA/PPBU, BHF, CMSA, HPCSA, POPI, SAMA, SAPPF, Comp Com, CPA,
14:00 - 14:30
Consent: The basics and controversies
14:30 - 15:00
How to get back in the game?
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:15
Cost effectiveness and how to approach generics
16:15 - 16:45
Wellness: Substance use, risks and impairment
16:45 - 17:00
Closure and Questions


  • Ozeyr Ahmed (Director of RSM South Africa)

    Ozeyr Ahmed

    Director of RSM South Africa

    Ozeyr is a Director in RSM Johannesburg office. After having completed his Certificate in the Theory of Accountancy, Ozeyr joined RSM South Africa in February 2012 to complete his training contract to become a Chartered Accountant and qualified as such in 2015. He then moved to the tax department full time to focus on his passion for taxation and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Law in 2017. He was promoted to Associate in May 2017, to Regional Divisional Director in April 2019 and Director in May 2023. Ozeyr has had exposure to a broad range of tax matters involving clients from a wide range of industries. He has dealt
    with SARS on a number of significant client engagements to achieve resolution.

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  • Michael Blackburn (Specialist Anaesthesiologist)

    Michael Blackburn

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist

    Anaesthesiologist in private practice in Johannesburg. Interests in paediatric and neonatal anaesthesia. Previous SASA PPBU convenor. Current National Secretary of SASA.

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  • Sean Chetty (Prof)

    Sean Chetty


    Executive head at Stellenbosch University

    Professor Chetty is an Anaesthesiologist with a sub-specialist qualification in Critical Care. In addition, he has eโ€‹xtensive clinical and research experience in Pain Medicine and is the President of the South African pain society (Pain SA).

    Professor Chetty was the recipient of the 2019/2020 Discovery Foundation MGH Scholarship, which afforded him the opportunity to complete a fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University in Boston, USA in 2019/2020

    His areas of research interests include acute pain management for the obstetric patient and the management of pain and sedation in the critically ill patient. He has a passion for expanding medical education and is regularly involved in knowledge expansion initiatives for health care professionals in South Africa and internationally. He is the current president of SASA.

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  • Stephan Erwee (Specialist Anaesthesiologist)

    Stephan Erwee

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist

    Coding: The Basics and Common Controversies

    This talk provides a practical guide to navigating the SASA coding manual, offering strategies for interpreting complex code descriptions and determining their appropriate use. It will also cover common coding pitfalls, including frequently rejected codes by medical funders and those that have led to regulatory scrutiny. Attendees will gain valuable insights into troubleshooting coding challenges and ensuring compliance with best practices.

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  • Leanne Frankish (Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Initium Anaesthesiologists)

    Leanne Frankish

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Initium Anaesthesiologists

    Dr Leanne Frankish is a specialist Anaesthesiologist in private practice with Initium Anaesthesiology. Leanne is a UP alumnus, where she completed her undergraduate studies in 2008 and a postgraduate MMed in Anaesthesiology in 2019. After a few years as a consultant at Steve Biko Academic Hospital, she moved on to private practice. Leanne is one of the first student cohorts in South Africa to obtain her Diploma in Simulation through UJ. Leanne has been involved with the MEPA (Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia) faculty since 2021 and is currently serving on the SASA Acacia branch committee. She has published in the SAJAA and is the author of the Paediatric Emergencies chapter in the digital handbook Paediatric Anaesthesia for Southern Africa. Leanne’s passions are paediatric anaesthesia, simulation and education.

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  • Tsholofelo Inambao-Ramarumo (Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Private Practice)

    Tsholofelo Inambao-Ramarumo

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Private Practice

    Dr. Tsholofelo Inambao-Ramarumo is a skilled anaesthesiologist currently in private practice, serving Pretoria and the surrounding areas. She completed her Master of Medicine (MMed) and Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists (FCA) in 2021.
    Dr. Inambao-Ramarumo provides comprehensive anaesthetic care for a wide variety of surgical procedures in her private practice and is also involved with the Smile Foundation, offering her expertise at Steve Biko Academic Hospital.
    Her patients consistently appreciate her calm demeanour and compassionate approach, which make her a trusted presence in the operating room. Outside of her professional work, Dr. Inambao-Ramarumo enjoys experimenting with new recipes in her kitchen, sharing delicious meals with her family.

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  • Fatimah Bibi Ebrahim Lambat (Specialist Anaesthesiologist)

    Fatimah Bibi Ebrahim Lambat

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist

    Dr Fatimah Lambat completed undergraduate at university of witwatersrand as a medical doctor. Specialised in Anaesthesiology through the University of Witwatersrand
    Subsequently done a fellowship in intensive care. Currently working in private practice. She always had a passion for helping the community. During the Covid era she and her team together with gift of the givers opened the emergency disaster facility at nurul islam to assist patients and alleviate the pressures on the government facilities. She is the current Education Business unit convenor, African Regional society of anaesthesia treasurer and the PPBU education baton bearer. Running is her passion and her family is her pride. She believes that assisting fellow humans is her number one priority.

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  • Phelisa Miti-Nyobole (Specialist Anaesthesiologist)

    Phelisa Miti-Nyobole

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist

    Anaesthesiologist, in private and state practice based in Johannesburg. Anaesthesia beyond the operating theatre was the ultimate test when I started private practice. As I navigated this non-clinical side of my practice, I was so intrigued that I founded Pellucid Zone, an exclusively anaesthetic billing company. When not administering anaesthesia, I will most likely be doing one of the following activities:
    Practice Management, with a key interest in start-up practices.
    Collaborating – Accounting, Medical, Business, Wellness
    Mentoring or being mentored
    I empathise with the numerically challenged new business owner, the working parent, the obligate breadwinner, and the burnt-out specialist who is anxious about their future

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  • Sekai Douglas Ndemera (Specialist Anaesthesiologist)

    Sekai Douglas Ndemera

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist

    Sekai Douglas Ndemera

    MBChB (Zim), DA (SA), FCA (SA)

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist: Beck, Danchin and Partners, Durban

    SASA Councillor and Convenor SASA Nursing Committee

    Member of SASA Private Practice Business Unit.
    Involved in the Transformation and Diversity Committee

    Proponent of excellence and ethical safe practice. Keen to promote sustainable anaesthetic practice through just and fair treatment and remuneration of anaesthesiologists.

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  • Ernest Welch (Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Dunkeld Anaesthetic Practice)

    Ernest Welch

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist at Dunkeld Anaesthetic Practice

    Co-Editor and author of: Applied Pharmacology in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care editions 1 and 2. Milner A and Welch EH.

    College of Anaesthesiologists South Africa primary examiner and convenor.

    Chairman of the Anaesthetic Foundation and organise its annual refresher course meeting.

    Areas of interest include Pharmacology with a special interest in muscle relaxants, volatile agents, Low-flow, TIVA and TCI and acute pain control, anaesthesia for elite athletes and anaesthesia education.

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