Univerisity of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg Hospital
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Our goal is to run a world-class event whilst minimising our environmental impact. Steps that we have taken include:
ยท Online registration
ยท Congress bags are made from recycled cotton. Delegates will be encouraged to reuse these as shopping bags as many times as possible to avoid the future use of single-use plastic bags.
ยท Name tags will be printed on plantable seed paper
ยท Name tag lanyards are made from 100% recycled PET. Delegates will be asked to return these lanyards at the end of the congress to allow for reuse at future congresses.
ยท Each delegate will receive a reusable, locally sourced water bottle to be filled from water dispensers. Single-use plastic water bottles will not be available.
ยท Each delegate will also receive a bamboo reusable travel mug for hot beverages. Disposable cups will not be available.
ยท Catering will centre on sustainably-sourced poultry and vegetarian meal options. All packaging will be biodegradable or reusable.
ยท Bins will be provided for waste separation at source. There will be clear instructions on how to separate waste which will then be managed by a professional waste-management company.
ยท Trade has been asked to limit their environmental footprint as much as possible, with the avoidance of single-use plastic marketing material and the substitution of printed material with digital communication.
ยท A new Sustainable Trade prize has been initiated this year to honour trade who strive to limit their environmental impact for the Congress.
ยท A donation will be made to GreenPOP, a non-profit organisation which supports urban greening and forest restoration projects across Sub-Saharan Africa, to plant a tree on behalf of each congress participant in acknowledgement of the carbon footprint created through congress-related travel.